WAITLIST ALERT! (Time Sensitive) A course you were interested in is finally available! Create Art with A.I.!

Hi Reader!
Well, it's safe to say that the wait took a LOT longer than I expected, but I'm finally writing to let you know that the course you signed up on the waitlist for, Create Art with A.I, is finally available.

You may not even remember signing up to be notified for it since I've had people waiting since May of 2023. πŸ˜†
But since you DID show an interest, I offered anyone who signed up for this course a killer deal so I'm writing to you to make good on that promise.

Regularly $67, right now, you can pick it up for a whopping $45 off during pre-launch - for just $22!
Please note that I'm offering this price ONLY to the people who signed up through the waitlist. This deal won't even be offered to my regular newsletter subscribers.
Use coupon WAITISOVER at checkout if the code doesn't automatically apply.
Again, please note that this course is still in pre-launch and there are a few elements that will be added by June 24th.
This offer will only be on for a very short time so grab it if you're interested in exploring my super secret way of how I create art with A.I. using this little-known FREE platform!
However, if you're interested in grabbing my course for free, I've just unveiled in in this year's BC Stack's 2024 bundle which ends tomorrow night, June 16th at midnight.

Count down to 2024-06-17T10:00:00.000Z​

To celebrate their 10th anniversary, BC Stack is celebrating with their biggest biggest bundle ever. Normally there are 65 contributors for their event which is only released once a year, but for their decade celebration, there are 84 online business courses and resources valued at over $10k which is truly astounding.
Besides my course, there are so many useful, seriously life-changing tools for anyone interested in creating an online income, or looking to ramp up an existing business.
For BC Stack 10, the contents this year are focused on providing the tools, tactics, and strategies you need to turn your side hustle into a full-time income. There's so many cool products on:

  • Creating Art with A.I. (that's me!) plus there are other AI courses.
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn
  • Substack (This one I'm def. interested in as I dipped my toe in the waters last summer.)
  • SEO (and recovering from algorithm updates)
  • Facebook and Facebook Ads
  • Instagram
  • Selling digital products
  • Flipboard
  • TikTok
  • Pinterest
  • Affiliates / joint ventures
  • Podcasting
  • Books
  • Summits
  • Quora
  • Etsy
  • Email marketing
  • and more

As mentioned, my contribution is my long-awaited, brand new course, Create Art with A.I.​
If you're interested in learning how I create the collections that I've unveiled over the last year and a half, this is your chance to peel back the curtain and learn what FREE platform I'm using to get the results you see in the product mockup at the top of this page, along with the tips and tricks I utilize to get some pretty impressive results.
And yes, I know there are tons of A.I. Art courses out there.
​So what makes my course different? ​
For me personally, I didn't want to pay $30 a month for Midjourney only to have to bro out on Discord which is a platform I cannot for the life of me, wrap my head around.
My course is for the curious-minded dabbler interested in A.I. art who are looking to keeping their costs to a minimum. And when I say minimum, yes, you can use my platform absolutely free but the paid option is under $4 a month which is less than a super cheap coffee so even a penny pincher like me felt no qualms about upgrading.
And there ARE plenty of other free A.I. generators, but many of them either limit your usage or make your images publicly available to all. If you want ensure you're the sole owner, with completely unrestricted copyright, then you'll want to check out my course.
If you're only interested in purchasing my course and not BC Stack, again, just hop over to the sales page to get it at the lowest price it will ever be released.
However, if you pick up BC Stack 2024 through my link, you'll receive immediate access to my new course AND 80+ worth of entrepreneurship resources valued at over $10k for $49.
​Here's what Sue Fleckenstein from Createful Journals had to say about picking up my course:

At checkout, you'll also receive the option to grab another one of my brand, spanking new training: The Pixel Playbook during pre-launch for only $9 at checkout. This is a great course on navigating the confusing frontier of A.I. art safely and without fear of copyright concerns.

If you haven't been successful getting your AI generator to cooperate, there are tips and tricks on how to get the best images, and great practices in general for coming up with endless creative ideas. I also provide examples on how to create original art using some truly unique techniques and prompts.
BC Stack sells for $49 - but it all ends tomorrow, June 16th at midnight, Hawaii time. (That's 6 am EST on Monday morning the 17th.)

✨ BONUS - If you buy BC Stack through my link, beyond the bonuses mentioned below, instead of two, you'll receive SIX deluxe bonuses. I'll be streamlining the way I offer bonuses in the future but in the meantime, you can check out my temporary shop page which has more items to choose from. Basically anything worth $27 or less is a regular bonus. A deluxe is for products worth $37.
And beside those extra bonuses, you'll receive my upcoming, signature course, Artful Affiliate for free!

If you're interested in learning how I create the collections I've been making over the last three years to build my newsletter, which has helped nab me spots in the top 10 of some big named course creator's affiliate leaderboards, I'll be giving you first-hand examples of some of my best-selling collections and showing you step-by-step how you can achieve similar results.
In case you're not sure what the difference is between the course currently in the bundle, and my upcoming course, Artful Affiliate, I will be featuring how I use both A.I. AND non-AI. tools to create the images in my paper packs and planners.
This includes collections such as ones I have created using A.I.:

I'm also going to be pulling back the curtain on how I create these "old school" watercolor paper packs:

Yes! I'll also be walking you through how I create my "non-A.I." vintage paper packs which I get asked constantly about such as the ones you see above. These four packs all used different techniques and treatments to get their unique looks, but I rely on other tools which I'll also be revealing!
You can browse a bunch of my watercolor-themed images on Etsy but the collections that includes my A.I. packs can be found here.
I'll be giving you a step-by-step walkthrough to show you how I create everything (and more!) plus I'll also include real examples for you to follow along and recreate yourself.
I'll also revealing how I come up with inspiration and unique ideas, and am going to be providing some super useful insider tips on how I create things QUICKLY as bonuses.
I'm also including some additional goodies such as early access to an added training which I promise is going to be a game changer.
This training teaches you my unique, completely original process using an amazing little-known FREE tool which shows how I batch-name and resize all my images inside a collection. I've used this technique to reconfigure 100 images in under a minute!
If you've ever had to manually rename images in a folder of images or a collection with a bunch of pages you've output on Canva or through your A.I. tools, you know what a painstakingly tedious and time consuming endeavor this is.
I'm also going to show you the process I use for adding photos to my newsletter to watermark your images and keep them safe using a completely free tool along with some additional tips and tricks. Because I'm super lazy and have a Rebel personality, I don't like to waste time doing things the "right way" and have hacks for everything. 🀣
I rely on these techniques to turn out my collections lightning fast! They're processes that I've developed over the years which I've not seen anyone else using that are going to save you hundreds of hours of time over the years.
These techniques, in and of itself, are worth its weight in GOLD considering how much time you'll save.
I'll have that training available for you after the 24th in your affiliate dashboard for BC Stack 2024.
Again, if BC Stack isn't for you, you can head right on over to the sales page and check out the course at the discounted rate of $45 off for a limited time. That's the lowest price it will ever be offered (outside of BC Stack.)
Note, since you're not actually signed up to receive my newsletter, this will be the only time you'll hear from me about this offer (or any offers.)
However, if you don't end up grabbing the course and would like to receive my regular newsletter, you can sign up here to receive immediate access to my posts.
If you're not ready to grab this course but would like to get on the waitlist for my upcoming course, Artful Affiliate, and receive access to it for the lowest price it will ever be made available, you can sign up here.

Happy Tales!

Lara xo

My name is Lara and I'm the owner of Tales From the Rouge - inspired by a magical enclave in the Rouge Valley in the east end of Toronto, Canada. I'm a writer/television producer and a wife and mom who loves photography, crystals, and my ever-expanding collection of typewriters. I'm inspired by nature on a daily basis and draw inspiration from my surroundings which trickles down to my creations.

You are receiving this newsletter after signing up for one of my paper packs in a free or paid bundle or giveaway. I hope you'll stay and enjoy my newsletter containing useful health and wellness tips, fun stories along with awesome promos and gifts! However, if you don’t want to stick around, just hit that unsubscribe button at the bottom of this email. I do hope you hang out for a bit to see what the fuss is all about!​

I often recommend products and services that I use or that have been recommended to me by people I trust. In many cases these recommendations are accompanied by an affiliate link, which provides me with a referral commission if you click through and make a purchase.

The information presented here is for educational purposes only. Before taking any action that may affect your health, finances, or well-being, please check with your own doctor, health-care provider, financial and business advisers. Always do your own due diligence.


Lara Champion

Writer, TV Producer/Director, Digital Creator. (Discovery Channel, HGTV, The CBC, Elle Canada, The Toronto Star, and US Weekly.) Although I'm an award-winning journalist who has shot stories around the world, nothing gives me more joy than taking photos in my local stomping ground, β€œThe Rouge” and turning them into illustrative art. I love sharing stories and images with my community along with free and paid resources to help others break the chains of the 9-to-5 hamster wheel to achieve a life they love. Check out my previous posts but keep in mind that only subscribers get access to my occasional gifts which aren't posted below - so sign up to receive my daily newsletter!

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